Answer : Zion Oil and Gas is a Delaware corporation founded in 2000 that explores for oil and gas onshore in Israel. It currently holds approximately 99,000 acres of land in Israel, all on the Megiddo-Jezreel License.
Zion’s common stock trades on the NASDAQ Global Market under the symbol “ZN”.
Answer : In 1983, during a visit to Israel, John M. Brown (our Founder and Chairman) became inspired and dedicated to finding oil and gas in Israel, and he started the process that led to the Joseph Project. During the next 17 years he made numerous trips to Israel, hired oil and gas consultants in Israel and Texas, met with Israeli government officials, made direct investments with local exploration companies, and assisted Israeli exploration companies in raising money for oil and gas exploration in Israel. In April 2000, this activity led Mr. Brown to form Zion Oil & Gas, Inc., in order to receive the award of a small onshore petroleum license from the Israeli government.
Zion’s vision, as exemplified by its Founder and Chairman, John Brown, of finding oil and/or natural gas in Israel, is Biblically inspired. The vision is based, in part, on Biblical references alluding to the presence of oil and/or natural gas in territories within the State of Israel that were formerly within certain ancient Biblical tribal areas. While John Brown provides the broad vision and goals for our company, the actions taken by the Zion management as it actively explores for oil and gas in Israel, are based on modern science and good business practice. Zion’s oil and gas exploration activities are supported by appropriate geological, geophysical and other science-based studies and surveys typically carried out by companies engaged in oil and gas exploration activities.
Today, Zion Oil & Gas is a public company traded on NASDAQ Global Market (stock symbol: ZN).